Sunday, July 12, 2015

Excel calculation| result , formatting chart

How to do data file?

Type serial number/month name/day name/date > select those data and drag above to below by auto fit option.

How to apply auto format table?

Type any data > select the data > Home > styles > format as table > click on any auto format style > ok.

How to remove auto format table?

Select the data > design > table styles > clear and convert to range.

How to create a conditional formatting?

Home > styles > conditional formatting > choose greater than

–:Following below Conditional Formatting Chart: –

Make a database like
Serial Number

Hard disk



Stock calculation: click on first cell of Stock then type = opening + perches then press Enter key.

Example: =C2+D2

How to wages calculation?

Serial Number
Working hour
Over time
Amit Tiwery

Suresh Naina

Rana Wat

Duty hour = 8 hour(if we suppose duty hour h:8)

Over time calculation: = B2 – 8 (working hour – duty hour) then press Enter
Or, =if (working hour cell no > duty hour cell no, working hour cell no – duty hour cell no, 0) then press Enter

Example:  =if (B2 > 8, B2 – 8, 0)

Wage calculation: = if (over time cell no > 0, over time cell no * over time’s rupees + duty hours * duty hours rupees, working hour cell no * working hour’s rupees) Enter

Example:  =if (c2 > 0, c2 * 25 + 8 * 20, c2 * 20) Enter.


This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel SUM function with syntax and examples.


The Microsoft Excel SUM function adds all numbers in a range of cells and returns the result.


The syntax for the SUM function in Microsoft Excel is:
SUM( number1, [number2, ... number_n] )
SUM ( cell1:cell2, [cell3:cell4], ... )

Parameters or Arguments

A numeric value that you wish to sum.
The range of cells that you wish to sum.
Note: You can sum combinations of both numbers and ranges of cells using the SUM function.


The SUM function can be used in the following versions of Microsoft Excel:
  • Excel 2013, Excel 2011 for Mac, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2000


The SUM function can be used in Microsoft Excel as the following type of function:
  • Worksheet function (WS)


Let's look at some Excel SUM function examples and explore how to use the SUM function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:
Microsoft Excel

How to Calculate Average Fields in Excel

You can calculate averages by dividing the sum of all measurements by the number of measurements. However, Microsoft Excel makes this easier yet by including an "Average" function, which outputs the average without additional computation. It does not matter if the numbers are directly entered into cells or are the output of a complex Excel calculation -- Excel only reads the numbers themselves when calculating the average, so cell formulas don't interfere.

Step 1

Open your spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel.

Step 2

Choose the cells you wish to average. Make a note of their cell references, using the format A1 or a range of A1:A6.

Step 3
Enter "=AVERAGE(range)" -- without quotes -- in an empty cell and replace "range" with the cells you wish to average. As an example, to average cells A1 through A6, enter "=AVERAGE(A1:A6)" -- without quotes -- in an empty cell. You can also include nonconsecutive cells by including a comma, such as "=AVERAGE(A1:A6,A8,D1)" -- again, without quotes.
It’s a well known fact that teachers tend to use Microsoft Excel a lot, especially when it comes to keeping grades and test scores. Keeping track of student grades is incredibly easy with Excel, and it’s also great for archiving old grades and scores for future reference.
If you are a teacher that uses Excel as a grading sheet, you might want to find out what your students averages grades and test scores are, as well as what the class maximum and minimum grades are. Here is how you can do it easily using basic Excel formulas.
If you want to find the average grade in your class, use the following formula. In the empty cell below the test scores enter =AVERAGE(B2:B17). The cells within the parenthesis are the start and end cells of your score sheet.
maximum excel table
Hit enter and you will see the average score for your class below.
minimum excel table
Obviously, with a list this short, you will be able to pick out the highest score by eye, but in the case of a larger list of test scores, you can use the Maximum formula to find the highest score very easily.
In the empty cell below the test scores enter =MAX(B2:B17). The cells within the parenthesis are the start and end cells of your score sheet.
average number of scores
Hit enter and you will see the highest score for your class below.
highest value of number in excel table
To find the lowest score use MIN instead of MAX in the formula.
excel list number
Hit enter and you will see the lowest score for your class below.
lowest number in excel table
Or, following under the formula's process.
How to Summation calculation?

click on summation cell and write here = sum (type subject cell no of first to last) and then press Enter key.

Example:  = sum (A2:A6)

How to Average calculation?

Click on Total cell > Average sine > input subject nuber > Enter.

Example: = Total number/Subject number.

How to Maximum number calculation (highest mark)?

Click on Maximum cell then type =Max (type all total cell number) and then press Enter key.

Example: = Max (f3:f6)

How to minimum number calculation (lowest mark)?

Click on Minimum cell then type =Min (type all total cell number) and then press Enter key.

Example: = Min (f3:f6)

How to result calculation?

Click on result cell then type = if (type first total number > type pass number,”pass”, ”fail”) and then press Enter key.

Example: = if (f3 > 200,”pass”,”fail”)

How to Division calculation/Star mark calculation?

Click on division cell then type = if (total number > 350,“star”,if(total number > 275,”1st”,if(total number > 250,”2nd”,”3rd”))) and then press Enter key.
Example: = if (G3 > 350, ”star”, if (G3 > 275, “1st”, if(G > 250, “2nd”, “3rd”)))

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