Saturday, July 25, 2015

5 Great PDF tools to use with Windows 8

If you have upgraded your operating system to the latest version of Windows, then you are probably looking to update various tools as well. When picking the perfect productivity tools, it’s also most important to use ones that are compatible with your operating system.

Here is a list of great PDF tools that work very well for anyone using Microsoft Windows 8 as their operating system.
If you have the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system, then there’s no reason you should update to their latest office suite as well. In terms of PDF use, Office 2013 allows users to open PDFs and edit them directly in the Word program. It also allows users to create PDFs from all of Office file types.
In 2013, Adobe Reader is still the best PDF reader on the market. Version XI has great PDF editing features that allow you to annotate PDFs with a bigger set of commenting tools than ever before.
3) PDFsam
If you are looking for the best free, open source tool for splitting and merging PDF pages, PDFsam is it. It’s simple to use, very stable and works great on Windows 8.
4) Cometdocs desktop app
The Cometdocs desktop app allows users to convert files with a single click and without ever having to open their browsers or email clients. Simple install the app, right-click on the file you want to convert, choose the conversion option and that’s it. Your newly converted file is automatically downloaded to the same folder in which the original file is located.
5) Sumatra PDF
If you are looking for an open source PDF reader that is perfectly compatible with Windows 8, this is the one. It allows you to read and view not only PDFs, but also XPS, DJVU, EPUB, MOBI and other e-Book related file formats. It’s truly a universal reader, being both open source and available in a large number of different languages.

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