Saturday, July 25, 2015

4 Great Services for Publishing your E-book Online

Publishing your e-books online can be a good way to earn money, start a writing career, or present yourself as an expert in a certain field.  Before the Internet, publishing a book used to be an expensive and burdensome process because of the inevitable need to find a publisher.
  Now it is possible to publish a book on your own. Self-publishing has become rather popular lately, especially with e-books.
Here are four great sites for publishing your e-books online.
Createspace is a service owned by Amazon. It offers you the ability to create free e-books in formats that are compatible with Kindle.  Your e-books can be sold through Amazon interface as well. There is an option for using their assigned ISBN, but it is better to buy one yourself in order to assure that you own the rights to your book.
This is another very useful self-publishing tool. The book creation process is completely free, but there are also some premium services that the site offers, like editing and marketing, which need to be paid for.
3. Lulu 
Lulu is an extremely popular service for self-publishing. You can even publish real physical books along with e-books.  These books can also be distributed freely through Amazon.
This is a service oriented toward indie e-book authors. It offers services like marketing and distribution for free.

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