Saturday, July 25, 2015

How to convert PDFs to Notepad documents?

Notepad is a Windows program that can be found on every computer that has the Microsoft operating system installed. It is not a powerful text editor like Word or OpenOffice, and is mostly used to quickly jot down text when you are in a rush or when you are writing something that doesn’t need too many edition options.

For example, it can be used to create HTML pages by simply writing HTML code in Notepad and then saving the file in HTML format. Also, when copying text, some people will first paste it into Notepad in order to remove all the formatting before copying the text again and pasting it elsewhere.
Therefore, extracting text from PDFs and needing to convert PDF documents into Notepad is not as rare one would think.
With regular PDFs, it can be done with a simple copy and paste. However, if you do this, there is a great chance that you formatting will be completely lost and that the text will be almost unusable.
If you are looking for a more accurate converter, try Cometdocs.
Simply upload a file, drag it to the Convert tab and choose the Text conversion option.
convert pdf to notepad format
If you need scanned or image-based PDFs converted to Text, the OCR technology that comes with a premium Cometdocs account can get the job done for you.
And if you are a software developer, you can use Cometdocs to automate PDF to .txt conversions within your own applications with the help of Cometdocs’ API service.

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