Saturday, July 25, 2015

How to set up Adobe PDF Reader to open at last page viewed?

If you use Adobe Reader for reading your PDFs, you have probably noticed that by default, the reader is set up to open at the first page of the document. Some might find this annoying, especially if you are reading a book or a longer document that spans hundreds of pages.

For example, you are reading a 300 page PDF book, you got to page 100, closed the PDF reader, and the next time you opened it, Adobe Reader brought you back to the first page. If you are not sure where you stopped reading, you have to scroll through pages, and re-read some paragraphs to find where you stopped.
One solution would be to create a bookmark in your Adobe PDF reader, but that is not possible if you have a free version of the reader, which many do.
However, you can solve this problem by setting the PDF reader to open every PDF document at last page that was viewed before closing it.
Go to Edit – Preferences in your Adobe PDF Reader.

Then choose the Document tab and check the option: “Restore last view setting when reopening documents.

So the next time you reopen your PDF book, you will be able to continue reading from exactly where you were when you closed the PDF document.
This setting is valid not only for the last PDF document you read, but for all PDF documents you have opened recently. You can set up a number of PDF documents you want to follow in your recently read list. To do these go to Edit –Preferences again. Choose Document – and in the field Documents in recently used list enter the desired number.

You can access documents in the Recently used list at the bottom of menu when you click on File.

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