Saturday, July 25, 2015

Search Content of Multiple PDF Files with Adobe PDF Reader

Do you have a collection of PDF documents you want to search all at once? For example, you have a collection of work-related PDFs, and you want to find out which one of them has to do with a specific topic.

Instead of opening them one at a time and searching them individually, you can search all of them at once.
Not many know this, but there is an option in Adobe PDF reader which allows you to search multiple PDFs at a time. The only thing that you need to do before the search is to make sure that all of the PDF files are located in the same folder. In the search results you’ll get a list of all the PDFs containing a specific keyword. This option can save you a significant amount of time, especially if you are always dealing with a lot of PDF documents at once.
The first thing you need to do after opening your Adobe PDF reader is go to the Advanced Search tab as seen in the picture.

After that you will be presented with a window giving you the PDF search option. The first thing you need to do is select the folder containing the PDF documents you want to search. Secondly, you need to enter a search keyword. As you can see, there are multiple PDF search options offered, such as case-sensitive searches, whole word searches, etc.

If you click on Show More Options you’ll be presented with even more advanced search option.

When you click on Search, a new window will appear with the PDF search results. You’ll not only get a list of PDF documents containing a specific keyword, but you’ll also be able to see in which context a certain keyword is being mentioned in the PDF file.

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