Saturday, July 25, 2015

Interesting Facebook Apps for Books and Documents

Facebook is not only just a place for wasting time and procrastinating, it can be used to learn new things, discover interesting blogs, and spend time with your friends while gaining knowledge.

To prove that it is possible to be productive on Facebook, we present to you a list of useful Facebook apps for managing and reading documents and books online.

1. Docs 

Docs is a great app for sharing and discovering MS Office document formats. The home page displays three navigation tabs – “My Documents,” which shows the documents you have already stored, “Friends Docs,” which lists the documents shared by friends, and” Add a Doc,” which lets you create or upload a new document.
However, you should know when uploading that the app only supports Office files or PDFs.
To share a file click “Upload the doc.” In the new window, the user will see a box called “Choose the doc.” Drag and drop a file from any folder of your computer. In this window, you can also add keywords (tags) to documents and set the privacy level of the document to “Individual friends,” “All my friends,” “Everyone,” or “Only Me.”
In the advanced settings, you can define other options, like whether or not friends can download the file. Finally, click on “Upload” and the file will be put on the “My Documents” list.
There is a pretty huge public database of documents that you can browse as well.

2. Scribd 

Scribd is one of the most popular Facebook apps. If you use Scribd often, you can integrate the Scribs experience into Facebook. For example, you can share uploaded documents (PDF, Word, and other Office formats) to Facebook and introduce your friends to them.

3. Wattpad 

Wattpad is great because it gives you access to a great reading community. You can find plenty of free books to read and you can also give reviews of books and read the reviews of others. You can also post your own works for the community to rate in order to get some feedback on your writing.

4. PDF converter Apps

There are a few of apps that offer free PDF  conversion directly from the Facebook Interface. Some of the best ones are PDF to PowerPoint , PDFConverterPDFCreator    and PDF to Excel.

5. GoodReads

This is a great social network for book lovers. You can discuss book reviews, find new books for reading and find new friends with similar interests as far as books and reading are concerned.

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