Saturday, July 25, 2015

Three steps for preventing data loss while working in MS Office

Many of us have faced frustration after losing hours of work due to a computer crash or some other type of hardware failure. That is why it is always useful to think in advance. Microsoft Office has excellent features which enable automatic saving settings that can prevent users from losing their work.

Here’s a look at how some of these features work.
No matter if you are working in Word, Excel or PowerPoint, every document you are working on is being autosaved by default every 10 minutes. By going to File – Options – Save, we can access these settings and change them.
word office file options
If 10 minutes is a too long of a period for you, you can lower it. Also, you can see where all autosaved files are being stored on your computer, so that you can know where to access them later.
file autorecovery options word
Creating back-up copies
advanced word options
A useful thing you might want to do is create an automatic copy of each document you are working on. A back-up copy contains all the data that was inputted before the last saving of the document. So it doesn’t contain the latest update, but it is nonetheless useful because it’s better to have something than nothing in the case of a hardware failure and loss of work. Each back-up is located in the same folder you saved the original one in and you can recognize it by its .wbs extension. To enable back-up copies go to File – Options – Advanced and find a field Always create a back-up copy.
Recover damaged files
MS Office has a useful feature that can recover damaged files. If a file can’t be opened, just go to Open – click the drop menu and choose Open & repair.
open and repair microsoft office document
In some cases this will not be able to restore your damage files, but in a majority of cases the documents will be able to be recovered this way.

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