Saturday, July 25, 2015

Convert Wikipedia Articles to PDF ebooks

The famed free online encyclopedia Wikipedia has a lot of useful information and can help us learn about pretty much anything that interests us. Thanks to the system of editors, most of the information presented on Wikipedia is correct and reliable, even though anyone can make changes the articles.

Not many people know that it is possible to create a PDF  books from Wikipedia articles. Not only that, but you can also convert them into ODT or EPUB formats in order to read the articles on your favorite ebook reader as well.
This feature is available for all Wikipedia users, both registered and unregistered.
The first thing you need to do is to go to the article you want to include in your book.
In the Menu, on the left side bar, search for the option Print/Export.
If you need to convert only that one article to PDF choose the Download as PDF option.
However, if you want to join several articles into one PDF book, then choose the second option – Create a book.
If you choose the first option, then you need to wait a couple of moments and a link will be displayed to you for downloading the PDF article to your computer.
The second option will bring you to the section called the Book Creator. Click on the Start button and the Book Creator option will appear in the upper menu of your article.
Now simply continue browsing Wikipedia, and for each article you want to add to the book ,click on Add article.
After you have finished, click on Show book. Wait a couple minutes for the book to be created. Now choose the format you want the book to be saved as, then click Download.
Your link will be available shortly, depending on the book size and how many articles you have included in it.

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