Saturday, April 25, 2015

Computer System

In order to process the data we need the following:


Hardware is a set of physical components, which functions on applying, appropriate predefined standardized instruction. In other words one can say that Electronic ND Mechanical parts of a computer constitute the hardware. A computer is made up of several hardware units.

Introduction with some important parts of computer:
                           There are many parts of computer but knowing about all the parts of computer is impossible, because the computer technology is changing every day. So it is a little help to understand about computer’s basic parts.

Mother board is one of the important parts of computer. Mother board holds some of the important component of the computer system. It is also known as system board, main board etc. in a typical computer microprocessor, main memory and other components are connected to the mother board. It acts as a base for other components. Mother board allows many different parts of our computer to receive power and communicate with one another. The mother board usually provides the interface between the CPU memory and input/output peripheral circuits, main memory, and facilities for initial setup of the computer immediately after power on.

There are many type of computer but the main works are same.
Detailed in upside.

RAM: (Random Access Memory)
Ram is really the main store and is the place where the program instructions from we load gets stored. When the CPU runs a program , if the CPU needs to store the final result of calculations, it stores them in RAM. Thus the CPU can both READ and WRITE  data into the RAM.

There are two important types of RAMs. These are i) Static RAM (SRAM) and 
ii) Dynamic RAM (DRAM).

Static RAMs retain stored information only as long as the power supply is on whereas a Dynamic RAM loses its stored information in a very short time (a few milliseconds) even though power supply is on.

Hard disks are on-line storage device. The term online means that the device (Hard disk) is permanently connected to the computer system and when the computer is on, the device (hard disk) is available to store information or to retrieve information. HDD stores programs etc. HDD contains magnetic disks, access arms and read/write head into a sealed, air filtered enclosure. This technique is known as Winchester technique. Winchester disk is another name of “head disk drive”.

Power supply changes normal household electricity into electricity that a computer can use. A power supply or power supply unit (PSU) is an internal components used to supply the power the power to the components of computer. Power supply is rated by the number of watts it generates.

The key board is one useful input device for entering data information into the computer system. The keyboard is a primary device for inputting text by pressing a set of keys. All the keys are neatly mounted in a keyboard connected to the computer system. There are two types of keyboards; these are A) General purpose keyboard and B) Special purpose keyboard. General purpose keyboard are standard keyboard used with most computer system. The layout of general purpose keyboard is just like the traditional type writer of the QWERTY. In this QWERTY keyboard contains 101 to 104 keys. You have to press correct combination of key to input a data.

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