Friday, August 28, 2015

about MyLINUX

MyLINUX was a Romanian computer magazine published monthly, specialized on the Linux operating system.
Each release contained a small Linux distribution on a CD. The magazine ceased to publish in January 2006, and the final issue was made available for free over the internet in PDF format .
Each issue was structured in 10 segments:
  1. News - latest news from the Linux world.
  2. Software - Linux software reviews.
  3. Distributions - Linux distros pinned.
  4. Interview - interview with famous open source software developers.
  5. Beginner - articles for newbies.
  6. Internet - sites of the month
  7. LinuxMobil - articles about Linux on mobile devices.
  8. LinuxGame - Linux game reviews.
  9. LinuxTips - tips 'n' tricks over Linux.
  10. /dev/null - humor page.
The editing team consisted of:
  1. Rãzvan T. Coloja - Editor in chief
  2. Darius Martin - Executive editor
  3. Emanuel Gliţia - Editor
  4. Mircea Buzlea - Project coordinator, mobile solutions
  5. Cristian Mada - Graphics design and DTP
  6. Tamas Kiraly - Webmaster
MyLINUX, along with MyHARDWARE, was one of the satellite magazines of MyCOMPUTER, another Romanian IT&C magazine.

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